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Posted January 24, 2011

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The Fifth Food Group

Elvis Is Alive And Well In Las Vegas

The Ten Warning Signs of Food Nut Mania

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I remember the advice given to young people about what to do when a friend offers drugs. The simple answer is to just say no. We could apply that same logic to certain foods. I could just say no to fattening foods. Of course I'm speaking hypothetically. In actual practice, if someone from across the room offers me a cream-filled, chocolate-covered donut, you might want to be sure you are not blocking my path because I'm "coming through."

The great comedian W.C. Fields was quoted as saying, "Everything I do is either illegal, immoral, or fattening." As for me, I'm completely okay with avoiding the illegal stuff and I try to maintain good moral character. Where my resistance erodes completely is in avoiding fattening foods. I ask you, why does it taste so good if you're not supposed to eat it? Therein lies the conundrum. How can a person enjoy food in all of its wondrous manifestations and still not gain too many pounds as a result of eating it?

Most of us are faced with the need to lose those few extra pounds at some time in our lives. I believe that when it's necessary to eliminate the extra weight, it can be beneficial to work with experts in that field. We should not have to reinvent the wheel since a great amount of research has already been conducted relative to diet and weight management issues. As a result, there are some very good diets on the market today.

At the moment, I do not recommend one particular commercially marketed diet above the rest. This page contains links to a number of programs that have shown success in helping people reduce weight and keep the pounds off. Feel free to explore them to find one that fits your particular needs. I will offer additional information on the subject in future posts.

Most of what I have related here applies to both men and women alike because weight and dietary issues affect everyone, regardless of sex. However, there is one little bit of advice I offer to only the men. There may come a time when the lady in your life wiggles her way into a pair of jeans that used to button up with a little less effort. She will invariably ask somewhat apprehensively, "Honey, do these jeans make me look fat?" Guys, this is no time for plainspoken, unconditional honesty. The correct response to that question is always to just say "No!"

















Just Say No
