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About me and One Great Dish

I guess you could say that I have been an avid food consumer and a food critic for all of the days of my life. Very early on my parents recognized my keen interest in food and dutifully fed me on a

Jackie eating ice cream 1 regular basis, usually three or more times each day. We had interesting discussions bordering on physical interaction about what I would or would not eat in those days. I now realize that the Easy Bake Oven I received one Christmas was part of a subtle ploy undoubtedly aimed at encouraging my eventual dietary
Jackie eating ice cream 2 self-reliance. By the time I was old enough to provide for my own nourishment, I had developed a real take charge attitude with respect to getting fed. I rise each day and have breakfast, at mid-day I eat lunch, and each evening I always have a fine supper. I just realized I'm already thinking about what I will prepare for lunch even though I just

ate breakfast. By the time I finish lunch, I will surely be planning dinner. To say that I spend a lot of time thinking about food would be a bit of an understatement.

My chosen profession is accounting. Accountants are sometimes referred to as "bean counters". So I "count beans" at work and count beans at home. I used to resist little hunger pangs by skipping breakfast or lunch. If I skipped breakfast, I became obsessed with the arrival of the lunch hour. And when I skipped lunch, dinner became an absolute extravaganza. In all actuality, my diet is all quite regulated, nothing is out of control, and may even be a little over-regulated.

You see, I now have specialized pots, pans, measuring devices, timing devices, and assorted kitchen gadgets for every conceivable food preparation and cooking application. I take great pride in keeping all of my kitchenware properly cleaned, stored and ready to spring into action at the next opportunity to put it all to use. I carefully observe all of the food celebrities on all of the cooking channels to learn all the latest twists on how to tweak recipes. My bookshelves are overflowing with cookbooks and cooking guides not to mention my on-line files.

What does all of this say about me? Very simply, I like food. I am a food nut. I like to plan meals, cook meals, serve meals, and eat meals. I even like cleaning up the mess. Okay, maybe I am starting to stretch things a bit but you get the point. People like me, and maybe you, enjoy the subject of food. For me, going to a new restaurant is a grand adventure. The very anticipation creates excitement. When I travel, I seek out interesting places to dine. I look for that special entrée or that unique salad, side dish or dessert. Food preparation has become one of my passions. I find it challenging to back-engineer a chef's work. Did the chef use a touch of paprika? Do I detect a hint of thyme? All very exciting!

If this is your first visit to www.onegreatdish.com, I should tell you up front what you can expect. Expect fun and adventure! As I search the world for that one great dish, I want to share some of what I have learned and things I am learning about the people, places, recipes and dishes that animate my interest in food. It will be fun for me and I hope you will enjoy it as well.

Until the next time we meet at Jackie's Table, let's keep looking for that one great dish.

Jackie,www.onegreatdish.com, One Great Dish

Posted December 15, 2010

Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved www.onegreatdish.com

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